Wednesday, August 10, 2022

"Crisis in Winter: Which Weapons Against Looters?"

Joerg Sprave is normally a cheerful presence on YouTube—a man who talks about improving his bows and arrows, his crossbows, and his slingshots. Every once in a while, though, his serious side comes out, and in a recent video, he talks about the coming fuel crisis in Germany, and how it might lead to looting as people who don't prepare go hungry and look for the easy way to get food and fuel. So: what constitutes good home defense if you're in Germany, where firearms are largely illegal? In the video below, Sprave speaks mostly in German about the problem, but he breaks into English at the 23:32 mark, which is where I've queued up the video embedded below. If you already speak German, just watch the video from the beginning. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, so I have to rely on the English.

A lot of what Sprave says is probably applicable to the American situation (all our preppers are saying "I told you so") which, while not as dire as Germany's, risks becoming dire for many of the same reasons cited above. Luckily, in the States, firearms are mostly legal—at least if you're outside of big cities, so home defense is a bit less problematic.

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