Wednesday, August 10, 2022

JD Rucker: prepare for civil war

JD Rucker (who looks to be a half-and-half like me) is at pains to say he's not inciting civil war, but he thinks civil war is, at this point, inevitable, so it's necessary to prepare for it. I personally sit at a physical remove from any possible conflict, but I admit I'd probably be cracking skulls were I in the States—especially if I lived somewhere urban. Otherwise, I'd be in my remote residence in Wyoming, sitting in front of the TV with my dogs, watching my country fall apart, and shaking my head sadly. As things currently stand, I'll be shaking my head sadly, anyway. Everything is turning to shit.

Raiding Mar-a-Lago was an acceleration of the attacks that we’ve been seeing for some time against America First patriots. Donald Trump is just the tip of the spear, but they want the whole thing. That includes all of us.

J6, 87,000 IRS agents, and the raid are all connected. They want us divided into those who will comply and those who will not. This is important before they move forward with their plans for The Great Reset. They want lists so they’re attempting to start a civil war. It’s a cold civil war now, but it may turn hot soon.

Keep your powder dry.

UPDATE: comment seen at Instapundit:

They banned a sitting president from social media, impeached him two times, jailed his supporters, and now raided his home.

And then they go on TV and call us the fascists.

UPDATE 2: The Babylon Bee.

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