Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Olivia Newton-John has passed away from cancer at the relatively young age of 73. Born in England and raised in Australia, Newton-John was a singing sensation in the 70s and 80s, and I'm only now realizing the extent to which her songs wormed their way into my consciousness when I was just a kid. Her death in California prompted me to look up some of her music on YouTube, and for the first time ever, I watched her music video for "Physical." Good God, that was cringe-inducingly corny. The song itself was fine, and Newton-John looked cute, but the video was all over the place. That said, Newton-John also sang "I Honestly Love You" at a time when I was super-young (1974), only starting to become aware of girls (I was five!), and wishing they would respond to me the way Newton-John sang to all of us.

Below are a few of Newton-John's hits. RIP, Olivia.

And the cringiest of them all:

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