Thursday, September 01, 2022

Disparu on "Rings of Power"

Well, the initial "embargo" on real reviews is down now, and the sincere reviews of "Rings of Power" are apparently nothing like the simpering fanboy pre-embargo reviews (by paid shills) that have dribbled out over the past month or so. And according to Disparu,* a right-leaning(?) British podcaster, the sincere reviews can get pretty brutal:

Note, in the reviews that Disparu quotes, that most of the criticisms revolve not around the "woke trash" notion that conservative reviewers have fixated on, but rather on basic issues of story and character. Perhaps most damning is Entertainment Weekly's labeling of the new show as "kind of a catastrophe" (EW review here). As Disparu notes, the fundamental problem with the show is that it's a toxic admixture of patched-together vignettes from Tolkien's notes and appendices paired up with characters there were basically made up for the show (think: Tauriel in the Hobbit movies), all fused into a story that Tolkien himself never actually wrote. I'm not a Tolkien nerd by any stretch, but I can see why Disparu is so worked up.


*Disparu is a French word, and while it literally means "disappeared," it is often used, in certain contexts, to mean "passed away" or "deceased." I don't know how Disparu reckons the meaning of his own moniker (perhaps there's an explanation on his YouTube "About" page). Maybe he sees himself as "dead to" most of today's woke nonsense.

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