Sunday, April 02, 2023

not ready to compete with ChatGPT quite yet

China's attempt at AI is apparently rather lame, as the video below discusses. That said, I'm not sure I want a "sharp" AI. Anything with more intelligence (or seeming intelligence) than a dog or an octopus makes me nervous.

In case you're not immediately recognizing the two presenters in the video, these are American Matthew Tye, a.k.a. former China YouTuber LaoWhy86, and his South African friend Winston Frederick Sterzel, a.k.a. former China YouTuber SerpentZA (pronounce it "serpent zed-EY"). Both YouTubers left China around two years ago when they'd finally had enough of the repressive government, constant spying, lack of free speech, etc. They both now live in the States with their Chinese wives, and the video below seems to be one of their newest efforts, China Fact Chasers. As far as I'm concerned, these two are doing the Lord's work by joining the chorus of people pointing out China's many, many problems. Visit China at your own peril, but my recommendation would be never to feed the economies of communist and socialist governments anywhere. Stay in the freedom zone, even if freedom in that zone is a precarious, fragile, possibly disappearing thing.

Here are Matt and Winston:

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