Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Cambridge U. study: 25% of jabbed people have VAIDS

I'd never seen the initialism "VAIDS" before, but I could guess at its meaning: "vaccine-acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome." A new study coming out of Cambridge University is claiming that fully 25% of people who've received the jab have this condition.


A bombshell study conducted by top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England has concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

According to the study, one in four people who received a Covid mRNA injection suffered an “unintended immune response.”

However, the scientists note in their paper that the “unintended immune response” was “created by a glitch.”

While the Cambridge scientists and corporate media outlets attribute the damage to the immune systems as a “glitch” or “unintended” response, experts have been raising the alarm for some time about the effects on individuals’ immune systems.

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“Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid ‘spike’, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production,” the UK Telegraph reports.

“It was thought the minor tweak to uridine caused no problems in cells, but a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit have now found when this partially synthetic code is read, the protein-making machine in the body sometimes struggles with the uridine analogs.”

“These findings were shared with medicines regulator MHRA around a year ago, the scientists say, and updated vaccines that use the improved form of mRNA are in the works for cancer jabs, and other therapeutics,” the report adds.

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Meanwhile, media outlets are scrambling to downplay the results of the study.

A report from Science magazine skewed the scientists’ findings by claiming that the unintended proteins produced by the injections may not be causing any harm.

Read the rest.

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