Friday, July 26, 2024

about Biden's speech


A Confused Joe Biden Gives Address to the Nation, Only Deepens the Scandal Around Him and Kamala Harris

After several very confusing days, Joe Biden finally emerged on Wednesday after dropping out of the presidential race over the weekend. Appearing very frail, the president addressed the nation from the Oval Office in what was billed as an explanation of why he abruptly stepped aside as the Democratic Party nominee. 

Unfortunately, though perhaps expectedly, Biden provided no real information at all. In fact, his clearly deteriorating condition, combined with the things he said, only served to deepen the scandal around him and Kamala Harris. Who is actually the president? Why is he remaining in office if he can't run for a second term?

To illustrate the absurdity at play, Biden essentially argued that he's such an amazing president and so capable of serving a second term that he dropped out to "unite my party." None of this makes any sense.

When you read between the lines, it sounds like he's admitting the big donors and power brokers, including Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, forced him out of the race. If his record was truly so stellar, and he was as capable of serving a second term as he says, why would his own party not be united around him? And why wouldn't he be the best person to "save our democracy?" 

This is insulting to American voters. Biden owed them an honest explanation for why he suddenly changed course and left the presidential race, negating tens of millions of primary votes in the process. Instead, he chose to continue to gaslight the nation, pretending that he is perfectly healthy to serve but also needs to drop out for completely unspecified reasons.

Of course, we all know the truth. He dropped out because he's physically and mentally incapable of being the president today or four years from now. 

As a final bit of red meat to the Democrat base, Biden then endorsed term limits for the Supreme Court.

Nothing says democracy and fighting tyranny like working to change the make-up of a court that rules against your wishes. That's the stuff of third-world dictatorships, and it was promoted from the Oval Office. Disgusting is a good descriptor.

With that said, this address did nothing to quell the questions surrounding Biden's health and those who have and continue to enable him, chief among them Kamala Harris. She needs to be made to own this because she does own it.

Did you watch the video of the speech? I got the feeling that Styx might be right: Biden sounded stroked out, slurred words and all. As a stroke victim who had trouble speaking clearly after I got out of the hospital, I should know. With Biden, that didn't sound like a COVID problem to me: I think he really did suffer a medical emergency in Las Vegas, and that that emergency was a stroke. Why it required him to get treated all the way across the country, I have no idea and won't speculate. But as the article points out, there's a lot here that makes no sense, mainly because it's not tied together with a simple why. If there's one thing I've come to realize, though—and this applies to both sides of the aisle—politics is the art of never admitting anything. Answers to essential questions are never forthcoming, but they might grudgingly surface decades later when they no longer matter. 

Kimberly Cheatle, the now-former director of the Secret Service, wasted the people's time and money dodging easy, obvious, straightforward questions posed by the rightie (and some leftie) elements in Congress. As I may have said before, there ought to be a rule in place for anyone who comes before Congress and stonewalls: if the questioners are unsatisfied that their questions have been answered, then the one being questioned, having proved his or her uselessness, should immediately be taken out to the nearest courtyard to be summarily drawn and quartered. That should be the price of stonewalling—Democrat or Republican. This has nothing to do with Fifth Amendment protections; Cheatle, for example, was never asked to incriminate herself, but it's obvious that honest answers would have revealed the rot in the Secret Service—the desperate need to eliminate DEI policies, jettison leftist agendas, reprioritize merit and proficiency, and revamp the entire organization so it can do a competent job of protecting the executives it's tasked to protect. (Trump, meanwhile, needs to beef up his personal security detail.)

Cheatle is but one example of the rot in Biden's administration. The Swamp runs deep, and even if Trump is reelected, he will be unable to drain even a hundredth of it during his final four years. If, by some malign miracle, Kamala Harris becomes our next "president," we can expect the Swamp only to expand and deepen.

1 comment:

  1. Folks who mindlessly hate Trump will never vote for him. People like us will never vote for Kamala. So, that leaves the people who will vote in their own self-interest. Given the state of the economy, the unsecured borders, etc., the choice should be clear. Is that enough to stop the steal?



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