Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Venezuelan elections

Nicolas Maduro unsurprisingly "won" poverty-stricken Venezuela's latest elections, and the people aren't happy about it. I just read that some folks have toppled a statue of Hugo Chavez, whose socialismo Maduro inherited and doubled down upon (from chavismo to madurismo), plunging Venezuela ever deeper into the shitter. I'm hoping Venezuelans have had enough and will pull a Ceausescu on Maduro. Stay tuned. Just how enraged are the people? Enough to serve as a galvanizing example to spineless, cowardly, passive US conservatives?

UPDATE: a tweet from the above statue-toppling link says this in Spanish: Otra estatua del tirano Hugo Chávez es destruida por los venezolanos cansados de socialismo. Esta vez en Mariara, Carabobo. Basically, "Another statue of the tyrant Hugo Chavez is destroyed by Venezuelans tired of socialism. This time in Mariara, Carabobo." I hope socialist AOC is watching. Nobody wants your sick ideology, bitch.

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