Wednesday, July 24, 2024

onward to the tee-shirt design

With my walk dates locked in, the next phase is to make my 2024 walk-tee design and have two tees delivered to me before October. Assuming Spring doesn't mess up my order, that ought to be possible. Since the course I'm taking follows only the Nakdong River, the front of the tee is going to look rather stark, but it is what it is.

Next year, I'm hoping to hit the States to see my brothers and some friends (and I may be at a new job if my current CEO decides to dissolve our team), so there won't be a 2025 tee. In 2026, I might take Paul/Daeguowl's suggestion to do a walk straight across the peninsula, from about the middle of the east coast to the middle of the west coast. After that... my boss has said the west coast is much quieter than the east coast, so I shouldn't let my east-coast experience put me off the idea of walking down the west coast, roughly Incheon to Gwangju. I'll explore the west coast so I can see it for myself, and if it looks pleasantly walkable, I might do that walk in 2027. Assuming I'm still alive, which is not guaranteed.


  1. Having cycled the west coast, Incheon to Mokpo is about 1,000km if you stick to the coast and I think you'd probably need to camp a few times.

  2. Thanks. Is my boss right about how quiet it is relative to the east coast?

    1. Yes, it's quieter than the east coast, although obviously the resort towns are busy wherever you go.

  3. Don't forget the walk in Spain when you turn 60! :)



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