Tuesday, July 30, 2024

weak and flabby


Congressional Panel Warns that the American Military Is No Longer “Prepared” to Fight in a Major War

The U.S. military is no longer “prepared” to fight in a major war, according to a new study conducted by a congressional panel.

Though the threats the U.S. is facing are “the most serious and most challenging” it has seen in almost a century, the U.S. defense base is not equipped to meet the moment, according to a report from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy published on Monday. Among the biggest problems outlined in the report are a troubled Pentagon and a failure by the federal government to properly address threats emanating from adversaries like China and Russia.

“The United States last fought a global conflict during World War II, which ended nearly 80 years ago. The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 years ago. It is not prepared today,” the commission’s report reads. “The United States is still failing to act with the urgency required, across administrations and without regard to governing party. This report proposes a new approach to spur the speed and scale of change.”

The congressionally established and bipartisan commission, made up of high-level defense and national security experts, is tasked with assessing the U.S. defense strategies and providing recommendations to Congress and the Pentagon. The most current report from the commission was created in part by the RAND Corporation, which provided “analytic, administrative, editorial, and publication support.”

Both China and Russia are bolstering their military capacity while working closer with one another, creating a looming threat from two of the world’s largest superpowers, the report reads. This relationship has also welcomed other American adversaries, such as Iran and North Korea.

America on Biden's watch is basically turning into me. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. All the more reason to be worried about what is on the horizon. I think, ultimately, the US will need a mandatory service requirement similar to what they do in Korea. Recruiting has gone to shit, and we can barely sustain our already inadequate forces. Maybe sell the two years of service equals free college scheme to get folks on board.

    I've read that China's military, despite outward appearances, is also shit in reality. Let's hope we don't have to find out the hard way. The best deterrent is for us to be stronger. A competent Commander in Chief would be a good start.



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