Monday, July 22, 2024

questions for Kim Cheatle, head of the Secret Service

 From this article:

1. Why was the president allowed to take the stage even after law enforcement flagged the suspicious behavior of Thomas Crooks at least 30 minutes before Trump began to speak? There is a holding area for all protectees; why didn't the Secret Service keep the president in the holding area until the grounds were declared safe and the suspicious individual detained?

2. Why didn't the Secret Service utilize air cover for the event? There was no substantive aerial surveillance, which should be standard operating procedure. In fact, according to an internal memo sent last week, you are now reactivating a division of the USSS to ensure a three-dimension security bubble including air surveillance. The memo states, "I have requested that INV activate former ASB Special Agents to do two week rotations with ASB during the campaign." Are you saying this has not been the recent practice for all protectees?

3. Why did agents fail to install a barrier between the vulnerable high site where Crooks took position and the stage? Using a large obstacle such as a truck or large campaign sign once again should be standard operating procedure. The lack of a significant immovable object afforded Crooks an unimpaired line of sight to his target. Explain why your agency did not take such commonsense measures for the event.

Oh, there are many more questions than just these three. But these'll do for a start.

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