Monday, July 22, 2024

well, John, you were right

Breaking news

Dementia Joe Drops Out

Biden's self-serving announcement is at the link. I'm glad I didn't bet against John McCrarey on this one. And I imagine we'll never learn the real inside story.

Oh, I hope they do run Kamala. What are the odds it'll be an open primary instead of just locking the cackler into place as the new front runner for the Dems?

ADDENDUM: Matt Walsh comments:

According to many reports, [Democrats] are on the verge of finally pushing Biden out, but the whole premise of this campaign to oust Biden has been false from the beginning. They're pretending that they just learned he's senile. But, they've known all along and have been covering it up.

Unless the Dems put forward an absolutely massive fraud machine when voting starts, I don't think their desperate flailings are going to matter one bit come November.

And as one snide YouTube commenter put it:

Why would the most popular president of all time, with 81 million votes, drop out? Makes no sense.

UPDATE: Instapundit with some indication of the fallout to come if things go Kamalically.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm just waking up to this news. Even though I predicted it, I was still somewhat taken aback. So, the Dems can't do any worse than the senile old man, but what have they got to offer? Kamala? Yikes!

    It's going to be interesting watching what comes next. I'm confident Trump can defeat any of the wannabees, but can he stop the steal? It's going to be a wild ride.



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