Thursday, August 29, 2024

but of course, nothing's really happening, right?


The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It [edited]

After engineer and data scientist Kim Brooks worked on cleaning the voter rolls in Georgia for a year, she realized she was on a stationary bicycle. She’d clear a name for various reasons—dead, felon, stolen ID, living at a seasonal campground for twenty years, duplicate, moved out of state, 200 years old, etc.—and back it would come within a month. At that juncture she realized that a program within the Georgia voter-registration database was methodically adding back fake names.

She looked deeper. For new registrants, the culprit was principally Driver’s Services creating new registrations, and in this case, the manufacturer was a person or persons. Within the government office, someone was stealing names and duplicating, even tripling, that person’s vote and then forging their signature. Sometimes, it was someone who just died, or a teacher who had no voting record. In the case of a nurse who died in 2022 with three registrations, she was registered to vote in two counties, and all three of her voted in the 2022 election and the 2024 primary. Each signature was slightly different, the last three letters spelled, ly, ley, and lley 

This operation works under AVR, or automatic voter registration, and is being used to register migrants. They will not vote, but their names have been entered into the Voter Registration database when they apply for a driver’s license, and their vote will be voted for them. I imagine that this is repeating something everyone knows, but the borders are open for precisely this reason, so the Democrat/RINO machine can steal their votes. By the way, the process for advancing permanent residency has been cut from 11 months to two. 

In 2020, twenty states used operation AVR. Of those, Trump lost 18. 

[ ... ] 

I am pretty sure all hell is going to break loose in November. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are working to prevent the cheat, the Trump team is fielding 100,000 observers alone. But the regime is ahead of them by miles and is funded by an estimated $4 billion. Equally, if they lose a lot of them will be charged with election crimes. Absurdistan plans to cover this story relentlessly because we are supremely pissed off. If the decision takes three months after November, because of the challenges, if you come here, you will know what is happening. Who are the players, who are the heroes, what are the issues, who is using which method where?

I've decided, this year, to put my money where my mouth is and not vote. First, I'd be doing the vote-by-mail thing from overseas, which many see as problematic. Second, not voting this year is a sign of my mistrust in the system. In a sense, the cheaters have won: I no longer trust the system. Third: Trump won without me in 2016; he lost despite my mail-in vote in 2020; he'll do just fine, mathematically speaking, with or without my vote this year. If, as I like to think, voting or not-voting is an expression of conscience and not merely a move in a game-theory-driven contest, then I'm acting according to my conscience. Clean the system up, make it more reliable, and I'll participate in it. Meanwhile, I'll keep lobbing rocks from my distant perch, shouting into the void in the hopes of influencing at least one person to do the right thing and vote for strong borders, a strong economy, energy independence, the elimination of unnecessary bureaucracies, abortion federalism, nonsexualization of children, stricter law enforcement, and so on. This year, that's about the best I can do.


  1. Kevin, i wish you would reconsider. Many have died to give you the right to vote. A right so many wish they had. Just look to your neighbors up North.

  2. AJ,

    I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm pretty sure that those people died in service of a trustworthy process. Imagine faithfully receiving meds for years, then suddenly discovering (or seemingly discovering) that the meds were now producing the opposite effect. Is it rational to keep taking those meds at that point, or is it better to hold off and wait for further information? If I have good reason to believe the voting process has been tainted—as I've been arguing on this blog for a long time—then using that process to achieve a desired result makes no sense, like taking tainted meds.

    If you can reliably demonstrate to me that I'm wrong to mistrust the process, then I'll vote. Otherwise, why would I risk being part of the problem by voting via mail?

    (Also, I should note that guilt-tripping isn't a very persuasive tactic.)

    If you personally trust the process, then by all means, I encourage you to vote. If, on the other hand, you have any doubts of your own, I'd have to ask you why you're participating in a compromised process. I'm open to whatever evidence you have that mail-in voting in 2024 is a secure procedure. And to be clear, I do understand that shenanigan-free elections are impossible, and the best we can achieve is good-but-never-perfect. I'm neither a purist nor an idealist. But I'm convinced 2020 was a huge Steal, so to me, it makes no sense to treat 2024 as suddenly and miraculously Steal-free, especially as applies to us overseas voters.

    1. Relax Kevin. Not trying to guilt-trip anyone. I'm just a guy who spent 20 years in the military and lost some buddies in Iraq. My idea of honoring their sacrifice is to vote.

  3. I respect that, and I respect the rational process that got you to where you are. I just hope people can respect the rational process that got me to where I am instead of asking me to reconsider.

    In the meantime, I do sincerely thank you for your service, and I'm very sorry about the friends you lost.



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