Wednesday, August 28, 2024

numbers, Mittwoch

blood sugar: 142 (down from 199 yesterday)
blood pressure: 105/62 (unusually placid)
weight: 110.5 kg (will regain some of that today)
pulse-ox: 98%
pulse: 75
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.06 (still moving in the wrong direction!)

Last day of buckwheat bread and farro (and salad). High numbers anticipated for tomorrow, then a return to something saner. Keep in mind, too, that each number above is merely a snapshot of a moment, not a definitive "number for the whole day." In reality, the numbers fluctuate all the time—from hour to hour and minute to minute. What you need to look at are the trend lines going from day to day over several days.

What caught my eye, on the spreadsheet where I'm recording my stats, was the high blood pressure that started when I got taken off my cardiac meds from July 19 until my heart attack. My understanding is that the plaque buildup that occurred in my blood vessels was fairly sudden, which is why it couldn't have been predicted (I'm not so sure about that and have a more cynical theory as to what happened). Click the above link and look at what happened between July 29 and August 9, the day right before my August 10 heart attack. See all the red? I may have misbehaved, dietetically, for a few days at the beginning (my usual post-appointment "celebration"), but I had quite a few high-BP days right up to August 10, including a few not marked in red boldface (because of the low diastolic). Might have been nice to have another scan during that period.

Anyway, we seem to be getting back to a more even keel. Blood sugar will start behaving again after today. I cooked up some thick-cut bacon yesterday; today will be devoted to eggs, then tomorrow will be various keto breads and pancakes. Last will be keto jellies (using agar agar) and syrups. I look forward to devouring this mountain of food little by little starting next week. Today, I'll finish off the veggie material, then I'll fast Thursday and Friday in preparation for a birthday meal this coming Saturday. 

David leaves on Sunday, then Michael arrives the following Saturday the 7th. I believe he's booked the same Airbnb that David is currently in. I've noticed the age-group difference in behavior and attitude toward Airbnb, with David and Sean in one peer group and me and Mike in another. David and Sean have no hesitancy about using all the newfangled, app-driven amenities of the current decade—taxi apps, lodging apps, etc. For Mike, this is his first time doing Airbnb, and it shows. I'd be just as leery and hesitant about the whole no refunds thing and the whole interact with the Airbnb owner/manager thing and the whole here's a set of instructions thing. Personally, I'd probably rather book a good old motel even if the location is slightly inconvenient. I'm just from that generation.

Right, well, it's Wednesday—Mittwoch (midweek) in German—and I need to rassle up a bunch of eggs for the coming week. Yee-haw.


  1. I consumed magnesium supplements in the past to combat leg cramps, AKA: “Charley Horses.” It was effective in preventing them but its daily dosing also created daily Jackson Pollock like sprays on the porcelain canvas beneath.
    Jus’ sprayin’...
    I've since given it up for smooth logging.

  2. I'm reminded of that Madonna song, "Like a Sprayer." I take magnesium, too, but I guess it affects me differently: the altering of my heart/BP meds was enough to reduce the appearances of the works of Jackson Pollock.

  3. I've never stayed in an Airbnb and don't even consider it an option. I guess that makes me old-school, too.

    Yeah, it seems that high blood pressure was a red-flag warning. Thank God for second chances. I check my BP twice a day but don't get nervous until it hits 140+. Things seem to be going mostly in the right direction for you now, and you know what you have to do to keep it that way. Good luck!



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