Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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I can only assume that liars like liars:


More Proof That [Tim] Walz Is a Pathological Liar

Over the last few weeks, as correct[ion]s and fact checks roll in, I've wondered whether Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has ever told the truth about anything at all. We know that he's lied about his military service, including misleading people into believing he served in Iraq or Afghanistan, and habitually claiming a rank he never earned. We know he lied brazenly about his DUI, with his Congressional campaign distorting literally every detail about the incident, in which he was drunk and going 96 mph. We know he even stooped to lying about how his two children were conceived, making up a false story in furtherance of an already-deceitful attack against JD Vance (and Republicans generally). If one is willing to misstate facts about one's own military service, as well as peddle falsehoods about one's own kids, there is likely no subject that would be off limits for lying. As Rebecca noted over the weekend, here's yet another incident along this theme. Pathological:
It's one thing after another with this guy. If he believes it might help his political career, or advance a political attack, he'll just say it. And it's hard to keep up with the blizzard of falsehoods and embellishments:

There's more, including Walz's false claim to be associated with Harvard (while deriding JD Vance for attending Yale Law), and his extolling of Chinese politics. Read the rest. The guy is a massive fraud, and I regret my initial, unjustifiably fair write-up of him. When it comes to politics, don't trust Wikipedia. Ever. And use multiple sources.

With all of this coming out, I wonder whether Walz will step down or double down. These days, the frauds all double down.

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