Wednesday, October 02, 2024


The more educated, the stupider.

I'll believe it when you're actually marching.

And where, in all that rhetoric, did the fucking comma go?

Ah. Aryan anti-fascists.

The irony is lost on them.

I'm still a pluralist, but a much more cautious one.

"White lives matter!" Ô, scandale!

White, white, white... and the records can't be corrected?

poor baby

Trying... hard... not to... answer....

There's right, and there's right.

They know but don't care.

Frankly, I have less faith in the "we have guns" argument than I used to. The guns did nothing to stop COVID oppression. Oh, and how do you spell "million"? And where's that vocative comma?

Add commas.

They're doing what they accuse the other side of doing.

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