Wednesday, October 02, 2024

study finds vaxx responsible for 74% of all deaths


Explosive Study: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused 74% of ALL Deaths

An explosive study has sent shockwaves through the medical and scientific communities after finding that Covid mRNA shots are “directly” linked to 74% of all recorded deaths.

The damning study uncovered evidence in autopsy data showing that Covid injection contributed to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world.

However, the study has been met with unprecedented censorship.

After being peer-reviewed, the study was pulled from major medical journals as “fact-checkers” scrambled to overrule the leading experts behind the research.

The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists, including:

Nicolas Hulscher
Paul E. Alexander
Richard Amerling
Heather Gessling
Roger Hodkinson
William Makis
Harvey A. Risch
Mark Trozzi
Peter A. McCullough

The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.

The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.

In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.

Emphasis added.

Trump has some explaining to do as to why he's so proud of Operation Warp Speed. Sure, I get the lame defense that he never mandated the vaccine, leaving the matter instead up to individual state governments (and resulting in the red/blue divide we saw during the pandemic, with red-state economies not locking down and generally doing better, while mortality rates among the vaxxed and unvaxxed were seemingly similar... at least until this study appeared). All that said, Trump's pushing of the vaxx turned out to be unwise and out of touch. If he hasn't apologized yet for killing all of those vaxx-trusting liberals, as well as some misguided, vaxx-trusting conservatives, he should do so.

As for whether the data really mean you have a 74% of dying if vaxxed... I again have to go back to what I've said all along: there have probably been billions of injected people by now, and we haven't seen billions of vaxxed deaths. This site (found quickly, so not vetted) suggests that only 7 million deaths worldwide thus far have been the result of COVID (I know that's not the same thing as death by vaxx). At the same time, the stat for infections thus far is almost 705 million. I'd say that that puts the raw stat for COVID mortality at less than 1%, which is what the anti-vaxxers have been saying all along

This page of the site estimates COVID mortality rate for New York—depending on the metric—as somewhere between 1.4% and 0.28%, with the hope of applying this figure more widely to the world. These are not scary statistics, and with most deaths from COVID being among older, unhealthier people, I'd say the overall picture is—as the anti-vaxxers have said for years—not so different from stats for the flu (i.e., less than 1% mortality). What can I conclude from this overlapping jumble of statistics? First, that 74% mortality from taking the vaxx is almost certainly wrong. Second, the mortality rate of COVID, for what I assume to be the combined population of vaxxed and unvaxxed (i.e., all of the infected), is almost certainly less than 1% if New York (City) is any indication. Third: the vaxxed population probably includes a lot of uninfected folks (not included in the mortality stats discussed above) who now erroneously conclude the vaxx protected them from COVID. It may have; it may not have. We'd need comparable data sets to guess at how effective or deadly the vaxx (which was not, it should be said, just one vaxx) has been.

Anyway, COVID left us with a lot of questions, mostly dealing with our own hysteria. The Obama-era government has indeed been shown to have been complicit in funding China's gain-of-function research, so China's wild-eyed counter-accusation that the US started the pandemic is at least partly true: we helped China create the thing in the lab, we so we helped create the conditions for the pandemic through funding and possibly through the use of some American scientists. The lab-leak hypothesis, meanwhile, was derided by hysterical people as a mere conspiracy theory; these days, people (except maybe criminals like Fauci) generally accept the theory as fact. Lockdownerism, as it's called, was another hysterical overreaction to a virus with a—no matter how you slice it—less-than-one-percent mortality rate. And while masking up could be seen as both a polite gesture and a way to stop larger lung droplets from being coughed or sneezed onto others, the action's effectiveness against aerosolized spray and the free-floating virus itself has been shown to be pretty much nil. Yet thanks to hysteria, strict rules about masking persisted, along with strict rules about gathering, conducting business, and visiting friends and relatives. Once the enstupidation of hysteria sank in, that was it. Trump overreacted with Operation Warp Speed; regular citizens overreacted in their haste to comply with their governments, which were themselves overreacting to a disease that, in the end, proved to be not much of a pandemic. This wasn't at all Stephen King's Captain Trips from The Stand (confirmed 94% mortality rate).

So I conclude that the 74% figure is almost certainly exaggerated. I'm not a statistician, though, so someone smarter than I am can come into the comments and tell me where I've gone right and wrong. I don't doubt that the vaxx has been largely ineffective, but I also don't think it's responsible for 74% of all vaxx deaths across the world.

1 comment:

  1. The sheep were led to slaughter and went blindly and willingly. Most of them still don't get it. I wonder if there are any studies showing that the vaxx causes ignorance? Eh, the stupidity was likely a pre-existing condition.

    I'm with you; that 74% death rate doesn't sound right. But I wouldn't be surprised if the vaxx killed more than COVID did. Hopefully, this fiasco has undermined the unwarranted trust in government bureaucrats and so-called "experts" so that scams like this cannot be foisted upon us again. We'll see.



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