Thursday, October 03, 2024


How's this been going? What's been discovered?
And: takeover is a noun. Take over is a phrasal verb.

Correct all of the errors.

AI: better-looking than the real thing!

And there will be no consequences.


She's like a right-hander who secretly wants to be a left-hander!

Geometry and spacial relations are hard. So are commas.

Taking bets on whether this was designed by a man or a woman.

I think they make up for it by being tasty.

the nature of HER HOLES

But he suffered consequences from the left for adopting a leftie doxxing tactic.

So we hope.

How's that workin' out for ya'?

Just leave now.

Double-dog dare.

why groups need constant monitoring

After all of these years, I can still hear that damn commercial in my head.

Not an AK-47.

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