Tuesday, October 15, 2024

security vid of my heart attack

In theory, my SRT departed at 6:24 (right now), and I'm on my way down to Busan. So how about some entertainment, ja?

This security video got passed to me by my brother Sean back in early August. It shows the moment I fell into the steps in the building where I work, got up with difficulty, dismissed some people who wanted to help, stood there stupidly for a while, then collapsed backwards as the infarction really hit.

A dramatic old lady at the real-estate office by the stairs claims that, when I fell, there was a loud Crash! Maybe there was, but from the look of things, I kind of rolled backward and fell at an angle, thus not falling too hard. I don't recall any of the above, and thank God I don't recall things like the CPR and the intubation, but when Sean showed me the video in August, one thing I noted was that the back of my head was just fine—no tenderness, no bruising, nothing. It was about as safe of a collapse as one could have. A lot of factors militated in my favor that day: the presence of people who knew how to do CPR (one of them a retired doctor), a nearby hospital, and timely admission to the ER, for starters. I'm thankful to everyone who helped me, and for everyone else's concern. People and circumstances came together.

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