Thursday, October 03, 2024

toothache update and today's walk

I took two ibuprofen tablets early yesterday afternoon as a precaution against the possibility of post-anesthesia pain... and that was it. No pain during the night or today, and no more ibuprofen. I did have a twinge of something—not quite pain, but more like a friendly warning—while eating yesterday and unmindfully attempting to chew something on the right side of my mouth. So: heed the doc's warnings to keep food away from that side. Aside from that, cold drinks haven't been a problem, and I've experienced no agony, nor even an ache of any sort. I go back to the dental office on Monday for what I hope will be the final session, then I have to hit my local clinic again to get the crown glued on, preferably before October 16.

We're off again today. Tuesday was the "temporary" Armed Forces Day holiday (normally just a flag-raising day); today is National Foundation Day, celebrating the mythical foundation of Korea (whose map had a distinctly different shape way back when). On October 9, next week, we have another day off: Hangeul Day, to commemorate and celebrate the invention of the Korean writing system. So, since I'm off today, I'm going for another walk. Temps are nice outside, and it's pleasantly cloudy—good English weather is with us. Today's stroll will be almost perfectly flat: the 18K stretch down to Jeongja Station in Bundang, Seongnam City. I need to tape my feet up a bit; I found no blisters from the second walk to Hanam, but there's definitely some irritation going on, and I need to minimize that. As always, Leukotape to the rescue. I'll also do some stairs work later this evening, this time to see how far up I can get before I need to stop. The goal is go to from B1 to 14 (my floor) without stopping.

Off soon. Wish me luck.

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