Sunday, November 24, 2024

religion quiz (coded by ChatGPT)

Religion Quiz

Religion Quiz

1. In Buddhism, the Three Marks of Existence are:

2. In Islam, taqiyya is a type of:

3. In Buddhism, the eight elements of the Eightfold Path are (check all that apply):

4. In Buddhism, the Five Precepts are (check all that apply):

5. In Christianity, the concept of perichoresis refers to:

6. The Jewish designation "Tanakh" refers to:

7. In Christianity, docetism refers to the heretical belief that:

I can get ChatGPT to add explanations (which I write), to show what the correct answer should be, etc. I've only begun to explore the quiz possibilities with this AI, so if you have features you want added to the quiz, feel free to write me a comment. As you might imagine, now that I'm embarking on this path, grammar, mechanics, and spelling quizzes (plus, maybe, more religion-related quizzes) will dominate 2025. Next year, this might be a very different blog.

Per my book, I'm not a fan of multiple-choice questions, but they are undeniably easy to score. I asked ChatGPT to randomize the order of the multiple-choice answers every time the screen is refreshed. Just to make life a tad more difficult for people who think they can "ace" the quiz simply by memorizing the letters of their answer choices.

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