Friday, February 28, 2025



Just shield Indy from the blast when the time comes.

The cant of her eyebrows says it all. And that one peeping eye says a lot about her enemies.

Should dodgeball be capitalized? The word basketball isn't.

about sums it up

Work on how to use those ellipses.

Whoopi has farted on camera many times.

Why did this make me laugh so much? I'm just wired wrong, I guess.

der Apfel...

Ooh, shots fired.

I'm sure he'll do his obnoxious best to remain in the public eye.

Dems embarrassed by DOGE discoveries

one of my favorite bad-for-you snacks ever

I'm going to America in late March. Can't wait to bite into one or ten of these when I get there although, frankly, ten would kill me.

ADDENDUM: I inexpertly tried making these once. Keto versions here.

I'm looking forward to this, too

It was a really good novel. I hope they don't ruin the adaptation.

internet service restored(??)

So the Daecheong KT guy texted me back late last night to say he'd give me a call in the morning. And he called early: around 7:45 a.m. We talked a bit; he asked me to prep (i.e., photocopy) certain documents, like my alien-registration card and my bank book. He said he'd be by around 10 or 11 a.m., but just to keep me on my toes, he arrived at 9:30 a.m., which was a nice subversion of the old "Korean time" stereotype. As with the rental office, there was a lot of paperwork to sign. I'm now on a year-long contract at around W22,500 a month, automatic renewal. If I do move later this year, there will be a small penalty for ending the contract early. I signed and signed and signed the papers—often two to three signatures per page as is standard with Korean contracts. I also promised I'd tell him a month in advance should I move out of here early.

The next step was actually turning my internet back on. The guy left to go to whatever mysterious office he has in the building. He called me to ask whether I was connected; I reported that I wasn't. I restarted the computer while he waited, then reported that I still wasn't connected. The guy came back up to my apartment with some equipment, and then began the weird dance of him fiddling with wiring at my desk and against the wall next to my desk (CAT-5 cable, I assume), testing connections, and muttering/singing to himself as he worked. When the connection still wasn't happening, the guy would leave my place for a few minutes and come back with more equipment. This included a stepladder, which may have been the most useful thing: the man opened a ceiling panel by my entrance door, muttered to himself about the damage caused by the repair guys who had accessed the panel before him, fiddled with some wiring in the crawlspace, went back to my computer, and—voilà. Everything now worked. Here's hoping the service doesn't crap out by tonight.

Otherwise, everything seems good for a year. If I do nothing—automatic renewal.

Max Miller and... frumenty

an oldie but a goodie


Actor Gene Hackman, along with his wife Betsy Arakawa and their dog, have been found dead. Police currently say they suspect no foul play. Hackman was 95. Recent photos of him showed a shambling skeleton of a man. He was a towering actor back in the day. RIP.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


See the like/as problem? Also: capitalization and commas. That said, I hope this is all true by the time this meme appears here. UPDATE: they've all been confirmed.

It's the end of February. Is anyone still thinking about the tragedy over the Potomac?

What noun is represented by the pronoun it in "This is what it looks like."? Yeah, that's a problem.



The hypocrisy re: the grilling of RFK Jr. was breathtaking. Warren is lucky her electorate is so stupid.

Is it worth it?

Leavitt's mike drop

Yes, I wrote mike. Because that's how we wrote it back in the day before illiterate monkey fuckheads came along and decided that mic was somehow a better abbreviation. M-I-C is pronounced "Mick," not "Mike." Like a Bic pen, not a Bike pen. Hernando is Hispanic, not Hispanike. Get it through your thick fucking skulls.

one step forward, two steps back

I visited the apartment's admin office today, having prepared a little presentation about payment schedules and internet costs and whatnot, but all for naught: John from Daejeon was more right than he knew: the lady at the admin office stopped me short and said that, in all likelihood, internet service had indeed been provided by my previous company, not by the building. I told her that, when I'd moved in way back in 2015 (ten years ago!), I was able simply to plug in my computer and use the internet, so I had no idea which company was providing service. She said I'd need to contact my former company about that. I said okay, left to get lunch, and sent an email to my company asking what ISP they had used. Right now, I'm waiting for an answer (dinner plans got canceled, hence lunch).

The other thing to note is whether the previous ISP (internet service provider) was using its own company-specific hardware. If so, then I'm probably not free to get a completely different ISP. I think the big three companies in South Korea are SK Broadband, LG U+, and Olleh/KT. But it's no use guessing; I need to wait for my company's answer. Once I have it, I'll visit the appropriate office with the required paperwork (contact information, ID, proof of residence), and I'll see about getting a 6-month or year-long contract. If I bug out of the contract before the term is over (to move to Suwon, for example), there will likely be a penalty. Sigh. Unless it's possible to keep a contact while changing addresses (and paying extra for hardware installation at the new residence).

Another alternative is to forgo ISPs altogether and sign up for unlimited data on my cell phone, which can double as a WiFi hotspot. This would jack up my cell-phone costs by $15-30 a month (I'm on a 3GB plan right now), but from what I see on the SK Broadband website, basic "giga light" service is close to W23,000 a month, anyway. True, that comes to only $16 a month, but that also might be a promotional price just to lure me in. More research is necessary. So for the moment, all I can do is wait. 

UPDATE (or as I pronounce it in my head, oop-DAHT-dey): My ex-company got back to me this evening and gave me the number for the internet guy in our apartment building (a service called Daecheong KT). It was a cell-phone number, so I wrote the guy a long text message explaining my situation and requesting a reactivation of service with automatic renewal. I also said that, if we needed to meet so I could present needed documents and/or sign anything, we could do that, too. I'm hoping to get service with automatic debit so I don't have to consciously remember to pay every month. Also, just to butter the guy up, I apologized for writing a long message so late. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

not the win they thought it was

the IRS's illegal spying on US citizens

I assume I'm spied on by everyone these days. There is no privacy.

are we really that awful?

yet another note to would-be commenters

My comments policy is visible atop the comment window. Please read and heed it before commenting, or your comment won't get posted.

a Bezos metanoia?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


blissfully empty and quiet

I hurt for my English friends. What the fuck, UK? I can relate to the Blade Runners.

Grammar and punctuation. And Robin Williams's joke about luging comes to mind: I vant to dress like a sperm, shove an ice skate in my ass, and go balls-first down an ice chute!

Didn't we just deal with a "tax the rich" meme?

A lot of these people still haven't gotten a clue. But how long can one hold back the tide?

All sorts of language problems. Correct them all.

More than meets the eye.

It's just fur one night. Don't be such a weepy pussy.

You have a good friend, but "cat-sit" should be hyphenated, per babysit/baby-sit.

to the admin office we go

It could be that commenter John from Daejeon has a point when he asks whether my ex-company had been paying for my internet. I had thought that internet service would have been folded into my new rental contract somehow, but this might not be the case. So I'll visit the 4th-floor admin office tomorrow and find out whether the building had cut off my internet service without telling me, which would be unsurprising. It would also be unsurprising to find out that internet service is now a whole, separate cost for which there will now be a separate bill (i.e., not the utility bill I'll start getting the first week of March). And it definitely wouldn't be surprising to find out that the real-estate office never bothered to tell the admin office about my change in status from company-sponsored tenant to private renter. Lack of communication about important things is a perennial problem in this country. I've ranted about this before, though, so I'll stop here.

Of course, it would have been nice to have all of these details spelled out when I was making my rental contract, but I'll get the issue resolved one way or another. As of right now, I still don't have internet except on my phone. It's actually kind of peaceful not to be watching stressful YouTube videos of people arguing uselessly with each other. 

the UK, the US, and the Chagos Islands

Some background on what's been going on with the Chagos Islands.

Warren in the crosshairs

While I doubt Elizabeth Warren is suffering any kind of breakdown, she probably does have to worry about what DOGE is going to discover about her and her financial deals. This is why the left has been attacking the once-beloved Elon so viciously and desperately.

Hominid, unplugged

I've had no internet connection since last evening, so I'm on my phone, typing out this entry on my tiny, haptic keypad. I'm also getting over a cold that I'd caught two days ago; it started off as a nasty sore throat but died down the very next day after aggressive gargling (salt water, peroxide) and Theraflu usage. If this were COVID, there would have been no dying down, so at least it's not that. I'm supposed to meet a friend for dinner tomorrow; I think I can do it, but I'll see how things are in a few hours. 

Meanwhile, the most bothersome thing is my lack of an internet connection. I'm in an old building, and these sorts of lapses happen all the time, but they usually don't last this long. If I'm still Net-less at 6 this evening, I'll probably phone a repairman. We'll see. Meanwhile, I've got scheduled posts to last me through the beginning of March, so my five semi-faithful readers ought to be entertained. 

More news later.

could we see a "Vanceslide" in 2028?

With the DNC having just elected a bunch of goofballs, anything is possible.

hilariously goofy Star Wars sketch

The dark side will make you swole. Or just dark.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Where do the quotation marks or hyphens or italics go?

FAA: home of the retards and crazies

For air-traffic controllers: the dumber, the better, it seems.

Yeah—riddle me that.

Fix caps, punctuation, and grammar. And who is this "judiciary committee," and why haven't they been hanged?

Rubin and her Backpfeifengesicht.

Yeah, baby!

Nothing will change without the will to kick 'em all out.

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Katz!

No matter how hard you try, you'll never look as sexy as Catherine Zeta-Jones.

are regular folks finally noticing what's up?

maybe it's karma

UK: "Democracy? What's that?"

Sad news.

sticks and stones

One Instapundit commenter writes:

I have seen this argument everywhere, that Musk is the real president and Trump is his lackey. I don’t see how it is supposed to be this massive pwn. Even if true, which it isn’t, who would care given the last 4 years of the nation being led by junior staffers? We knew Musk was part of the deal when we voted for him. Even if he was 1/100th as effective as he is right now, he is better than any living Democrat.


Stossel seems politely skeptical

Can the swamp be drained? Are Trump and Musk serious about this?

the ugly friend

final season of "Cobra Kai": initial impressions

I'll be writing a full review of the final season (Season 6) of "Cobra Kai" once I'm done watching it, but if the first two episodes of the season are any indication, I'm not going to like this. Thus far, Season 6 has featured most of the show's worst tendencies: fighters who can't really fight, poor (and over-edited) choreography, dodgy acting by some of the less major characters, and—for whatever reason—a bizarre focus on Koreans as the saps and bad guys, a fact that normally wouldn't bother me except that "Cobra Kai" has been, over the past two or three seasons, pretty relentless about it. And like a lot of American shows, the show gets a lot about Asian culture wrong, indicating that the scriptwriters haven't really bothered to do their homework.* So far, the main bad guy seems to be an old, Korean grandfather who looks to have stepped out of a bad Hong Kong action movie from the 70s, fake gray beard and all. The script still shows occasional wit in terms of dialogue, plot twists, and character arcs, but it also telegraphs plot points and features a painful amount of sappy corniness. I guess I'll get through all fifteen episodes of Season 6, but I have to say: after watching only two episodes, I was ready to step back and take a breather. Also: I don't think that cobras are native to Korea. That's all I'll say for now; expect a complete review soon.


*Korean TV shows get a lot about Westerners and the West wrong, which is immediately noticeable to Westerners watching Korean TV. But it's only fair to point out that it's the rare American TV show that gets various Asian cultures right. How hard can it be for either side to do a little research and demand a little accuracy? Already in Episode 2 of this season, there were some truly cringe-worthy moments during the scenes supposedly located in Korea—both in terms of how people dressed and how they behaved. More on this soon.

Monday, February 24, 2025


Which word can be deleted, and what two punctuation problems are there?


Grammar and punctuation.

She needs to have her... period. And "husband" is not a formal title.

Oh, Pocahontas.

We will grab only the best pussy.

Never let the illiterates make your signs. And on the sign above left, the word "tongs" is right fucking there.

Bunch of hypocrites. Hey, I'm not anti-vaxx: I wish there were a shot for hypocrisy.

sudden loss of horsepower

Yeah! Fuck Orcs! (and yes: I get the real-world subtext)