Friday, December 13, 2019

not the Brexit party, but the Tories

I'm not seeing or hearing much news about Brexit Party victories, but the UK exit polls are indicating what may be a landslide victory for the Tories, i.e., the conservative party in Britain. If the Brexit Party is also quietly snarfing up seats in Parliament, then a Tory-Brexit coalition might actually get things, at long last, moving in the right direction. Of course, what the right direction is is a matter of contention, even among pro-Brexit factions. Pat Condell is skeptical that the Tories have the balls to do what needs to be done. I'm all for a hard Brexit—a swift and bloody amputation that will, admittedly, take years to recover from, but which, in the long term, will benefit the UK more greatly than any Brexit-via-deal might.

I suppose we'll know the actual election results in the next 24-36 hours. Instapundit notes, with unintentional humor, that there's already a "muh Russia!" conspiracy forming among the Corbynite losers to explain their loss. Which is why they're losers. That may be the happiest result of this election for me: like Condell, I'm not exactly thrilled to see the Tories on top again, especially if they prove to be as feckless as they often are, but on the other hand, I'm delighted that (1) this election has reaffirmed the general public's overall pro-Brexit stance, and (2) the people have delivered a righteous curb-stomping to the Labor Party and the Corbynites. Good. And to Old Blighty I say: Rule Britannia! The lion rises from its slumber.

Now, if only you could find a way to oust that fuckhead Sadiq Khan...

UPDATES: Corbyn's out, and the pound is surging. Mark Steyn comments. From what I'm reading, it doesn't look as though the Brexit Party won a single seat. This may be by design: Nigel Farage apparently said he would step back to allow the Tory steamroller to pass. I assume Farage did this because the Brexit Party will benefit from the sea change. What is the Brexit Party, after all, but the Tories with an emphasis on Brexit?

FURTHER UPDATE: as I predicted, europhilic, teat-sucking Scotland and Northern Ireland are holdouts according to Steyn:

The only bad news for Boris [Johnson] came from Scotland, where the Scottish National Party is on course to win 55 of 59 seats. So that was naturally the straw the otherwise gloomy BBC panjandrums clutched at: The Union is in trouble; also the Irish "Troubles" will be back. Bombs away! The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party at Westminster, Nigel Dodds, lost his seat to Sinn Féin, suggesting Brexit is somewhat straining the loyalties of Ulster Loyalists. In that sense, Brexit is realigning British politics: in Wales and Northern England, working-class constituencies prioritized Leave over Labour, while, in southern England, prosperous suburban voters shrugged off traditional Tory inclinations for their Remainer opponents. And for the SNP the logic of Brexit is that, as Scotland and Northern Ireland were the only two of the "Awesome Foursome" (in Boris' words) to vote to Remain, Scotland should either get the same deal Ulster does or a second crack at an independence referendum.

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