Saturday, April 23, 2022

images from the route

sign for the destination, Goesan

ginseng-root sculpture welcoming you to Jeungpyeong, which we passed through

JW saw the carcass and knew I should take a picture of it

a piece of history, according to JW

blossoming apple blossoms

a rare flower

a pretty flower nearby

more unique blooms

quite possibly the first wasp's nest I've ever seen in Korea

What's up with the fashion-model expression, JW?


I don't think these apple blossoms were here last week.

more blossoms


  1. That "historic" house looks like a lot of places I see around here.

    Nice photos as always, too bad I didn't get to see the last 3K!

  2. Well, I took a ton of photos the previous week, so the final 3K can be seen in that post.

  3. HaHa, yeah, I realized that after posting. I'm left-handed, that's how I compliment...



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