Friday, July 14, 2023

another Wonka film?

There's a new film about Willy Wonka coming out. It's called, creatively enough, "Wonka," and it stars Timothée Chalamet as the eponymous protag. The preview trailer also features Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa, done up in retro style to reflect the aesthetic from the 1970s-era Gene Wilder film. Based on the trailer I saw, this new story is less about Charlie's visit to Wonka's chocolate factory and more about how Wonka established the factory in the first place—a sort of origin story if you will. Here's Amala Ekpunobi's reaction to the new trailer:

You can always trust Hollywood to mine old material instead of forging ahead with something completely original. They never learn. I'm worried that Timothée Chalamet might be expending what little diplomatic capital he's earned from his performances in a small cluster of films by starring in this dubious venture. Chalamet is a talented actor, and I think he did a decent job carrying "Dune" on his slim shoulders, but he hasn't achieved the stature of, say, Daniel Radcliffe, who is so rich, prestigious, and influential that he can basically pick his own roles. Now is not the time to go all quirky, Tim. Build that résumé first.

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