Monday, July 10, 2023

healing on multiple fronts

1. The fever is gone, so I guess that's one benefit of spending most of the weekend flat on your back. Here at the office today, the boss is still talking darkly about COVID since I mentioned that I currently can't taste anything. "Loss of taste is one of the symptoms," he intoned. I shrugged. I've had stuffy noses leading to a loss of taste dozens of times in my life. I have a feeling this will pass, and if it doesn't, well, that's still a positive because I'll be less motivated to eat anything.

2. My toe is healed enough, I think, that I'm totally without bandages today. There's no leakage from the wound anymore, or none that I can see, anyway. A friend wrote in to express concern that the toe's outer skin might have closed over the wound, but from what I'm seeing, there's no fluid buildup happening, so I think the toe's doing fine. I can't think about doing any distance walking right now, though; my weekend in bed sapped my strength, and I still need a bit more bed rest, I think. When I do restart the walking, I'll be sure to take it easy this time and not drop immediately into a 17K routine.

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