Friday, July 14, 2023

le quatorze juillet

Happy Bastille Day to my troubled France.

Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons!

ADDENDUM: from a DiploMad 2.0 email passed on to me by Bill Keezer:

On this July 14, Bastille Day, France finds itself succumbing to this invasion by people who have no idea of French history or culture, except a twisted one which drives them to destroy the very country that takes them in.



  1. Is there unclean blood watering French furrows at the moment? Too much? Too little? So many questions.

  2. Not enough "sang impur" in those "sillons," I'm afraid, if the French can't be motivated to defend their own culture. Of course, I'm subscribing to a modern interpretation of "impur" as "pas conforme aux valeurs traditionellement françaises"—not something racial. I think that's a crucial difference between Marine Le Pen and her father: her father sincerely meant "La France pour les Français" to signify "France for Caucasian French." The daughter isn't toeing that line at all even if the French left should deny it.



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