Tuesday, July 11, 2023

loss of smell and taste

One other aspect of getting COVID is loss of smell and taste, and I've lost both. This is going to be horrible for a food lover like me, but if it conduces to weight loss, then maybe that's a good thing, at least for now. They say that some people don't recover these senses until long after they've shed their infection. So I might have that to look forward to. Which is not nice.


  1. I did not have that problem myself. In fact, my symptoms didn't really match the usual symptoms I heard from other people. I basically felt like crap for two days and that was it--to be honest, it didn't feel like anything worse than a bad cold. No lingering effects, etc. But the test kit said it was COVID. *shrug*

    Anyway, just be careful not to overdo the sodium while you are without your sense of taste. I imagine it's going to suck for a while, but it will pass.

  2. I pretty much had the same symptoms as @Charles. But the daughter (late 20's age) of a friend of mine caught COVID very early on, and still has limited taste and lack of energy.

    Hopefully, your loss of taste/smell will be short lived.




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