Thursday, July 13, 2023

remember when I wrote about the "pube" yeogwan?

Some years back, I wrote about my experience staying at a cheap, filthy yeogwan in downtown Seoul, back when I was dirt poor and still deep in debt. Here's a video by Jimmy Kim that brings back those old, unpleasant memories, so you no longer need to imagine what I went through: you can see for yourself.

When I walk across the peninsula, the quality of my lodging varies greatly, with some skanky accommodations along the way. Most of the places I stay at are tolerable if a bit grungy, but some are memorable for their filth, and I try not to think too hard about my surroundings. When walking the Four Rivers path, I end on more or less of a high: my accommodations in Yangsan-si (second-to-last waypoint on the trail) are always nice, and it's easy enough to find decent lodging close to Busan Station on my final day. I'm fine with the grunge; at the end of a day of walking, I don't want to do much more than lie in bed and rest, so I'm not too picky. I bring in my own bottled water in most cases; I've also got my own toiletries for brushing my teeth, etc., so all I really need is a nice supply of toilet paper—and I often have my own supply of that as well. Just give me a bed with no bedbugs, few hairs, and not too many mystery stains. Decent Wi-Fi and a plug for charging would also be nice.

Enjoy the above video, and welcome to my world.

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