Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Thanks to the video below, I learned the term reshoring, which refers to bringing industry and resources back to one's own country's shores. Energy independence, for example, can be seen as a type of reshoring. Bringing back car manufacturing, instead of outsourcing the labor to other countries, could be another. Revving up the mining of rare-earth elements on US soil, instead of relying on China, might be a third. In the video below, geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan talks about America's bright future in reshoring, although I personally don't see it happening fast enough. Trade should always be from a position of strength and bounty, never from a position of weakness and desperation. The US needs to throw off its dependence on enemy countries like China. We have untold resources within our own boundaries, but it's hard to see us taking advantage of those resources as long as leftists are at the helm, controlling the country's priorities and steering us over a cliff.

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