Friday, July 14, 2023

the horrific face of COVID

Me, about to take a shower after days of slobbing out:

I wanted to make sure my hair was at the appropriate level of grossness before sharing. I think I also need a shave.

Tomorrow, Saturday, is my final day of self-isolation. I'll be walking around free on Sunday (which is good because I've got to take out a lot of trash) and back to work on Monday. However, I am going to COVID-test myself either Sunday evening or Monday morning, then contact my boss and ask him how he feels about my coming in if I'm still positive (which I expect to be given the little time that has passed).


  1. It's nice to see what an actual COVID survivor looks like. Well done!

    Why the rush to get back to work, boredom? Even though I'm a scamdemic denier, I'd probably want a clean test before allowing an employee to return to duty.

  2. I think I'll be beyond the infectiousness period by Monday, but I'll talk with my boss and see what he thinks. Taking off work for a week in a Korean environment is a bit much. We've got stuff to do.



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