Friday, October 13, 2023


Nachos from a couple days ago, plus cashew-beef-shrimp yaki udon from yesterday:

these nachos were an impromptu, throw-together thing, but very tasty

I was the only one who liked the noodles. The boss complained the sauce was too sweet, and my Korean coworker sneakily and quietly threw my food into the garbage. He thinks I don't know he's done this a few times, but I know. The boss finished his food despite his complaint. I found myself thinking that the boss had better not try the mushu pork from Ho Lee Chow up the street from our office: that dish is pretty damn sweet, too. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary by the standards of Americanized "Chinese" food (this was based on cashew shrimp despite the udon/udong). I ate the leftovers of the yaki udon for dinner while I was working late at the office (was there until 11:30 Thursday night); I liked the dish just fine, but as I said, I'm the only one. And that's it for food prep until Thanksgiving.

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