Thursday, October 12, 2023

just a friendly reminder

RFK Jr. might run as an independent, but he's still a Democrat at heart:

To be fair, Donald Trump is also a Democrat at heart: as I've repeatedly said, he's a 90s-era Democrat who is pro-labor, pro-Made In America, and more socially liberal than he lets on despite the ridiculous accusations of bigotry. He gives speeches filled with conservative rhetoric, but his attitude toward war, immigration, globalization, and free-trade agreements—beloved of 90s-era and neocon Republicans—shows where his sympathies really lie. This is why so many current Republicans reject him: on some atavistic level, they recognize that he's not one of them and never has been. He is changing the face of the GOP with his populistic, nationalistic "MAGA Republicanism," which is essentially a platform of Clinton-era planks, and the globalists hate him for upsetting their cherished world order.

That said, Liberal Hivemind lists a bunch of reasons to be wary of RFK Jr. Take heed.

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