Saturday, January 20, 2024

"about slavery"

Vlogging Through History makes the point that there are two separate issues we can talk about: (1) What was the Civil War about? and (2) What was secession about? The video comes down firmly on the side of Secession was, first and foremost, about slavery. The Civil War may have had multiple principal causes, but secession—as multiple documents from the time show—was primarily about perpetuating slavery as an institution.

What follows is another rebuttal to Razörfist (Rageaholic), who apparently needs to learn his history. I'm not qualified to comment on the matter; from my perspective, Vlogging Through History and Razörfist might as well be engaged in a titanic, arcane wizard battle. I was reassured to note, though, that Vlogging does cite Alexander Stephens's Cornerstone Speech as major evidence that secession was primarily (maybe even exclusively) about slavery. I've talked about the Cornerstone Speech before and suggest that you read it if you haven't. It's a scary peek inside the mind of a Southerner committed to keeping an entire race under his heel. Non-historian that I am, I would not have made a distinction between causes of the Civil War and causes of secession.

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