Sunday, July 28, 2024

a Trump non-lie

I guess the counterargument is that, in the above tweet, Harris never claims to have donated herself. That's logically possible: maybe she really didn't donate anything. But as a matter of psychology, how often is it that a person will post a link to a donate-funds site without there being the strong implication that that person him-/herself also donated? Am I wrong to think Harris' tweet carries an implied "Do what I did!"? Is Harris even wackier than we thought, urging donations while not donating herself? If Harris were asked point-blank in a debate whether she had, in fact, donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, would she stand proudly by her donation, or would she run from her actions and deny what she had done? A lot of Harris's problem comes down to her inconsistencies. As district attorney of San Francisco, she locked black people up left and right for crimes as small as marijuana possession. She then kept some prisoners beyond their sentences to use them as free labor—essentially slave labor. Tulsi Gabbard brought all of this up in 2020; none of these facts are new or recent.

Right now, Harris may be enjoying a slight honeymoon-period boost in polls, to the point where the lying media are saying that Trump voters are deserting Trump for Harris (ha!), but that honeymoon will fade in a few weeks, and I can only hope that reality will reassert itself, especially among independents, who already can't stand Harris for the most part. And yeah, she really does cackle like a hyena. She's also a bona fide idiot. Even the left thought so once, before they started to carry water for her.

1 comment:

  1. It's all so blatant, like the attempt to erase the fact that she was the "border czar." For this gaslighting to work, people have to be willfully ignorant. Sadly, it appears a significant number of Americans no longer think for themselves.



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