Tuesday, July 23, 2024

wild conspiracy theory

Why haven't we seen Joe Biden on live video? Why has there been only a supposed phone call with Kamala Harris? From a commenter at Instapundit, Charles Hammond, Jr., comes this wild idea (lightly edited for style, content, and general sloppiness):

I'm going to put this here because I figured this out just a couple of minutes ago. I've said this somewhere else, but I'm going to put it here so you can get my complete, organized thoughts.

The prior link Sarah Hoyt gave us pointed to a Dossier article that I'll link here:


Tucker Carlson got word of this during one of his videos that this also happened. I'm pretty sure this corroborates what the Dossier article stated earlier.

I was watching a Timcast IRL stream where they glossed over some of these details, but they also mentioned the detail that [Biden] was being airlifted/medevac'd to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. I said to myself that that was an odd piece of information to have. I was trying to get a repeat of that information from the stream when the stream abruptly ended... for reasons I've yet to figure out.

Then it hit me: Biden had a medical emergency in Las Vegas, Nevada, and reportedly had to medevac to Johns Hopkins hospital... in Baltimore, Maryland.

Where is Joe Biden now? He's at his home in Rehoboth, Delaware... at least, according to official sources.

So how did he get from Las Vegas, Nevada to Rehoboth, Delaware?

According to the article in the Dossier: they cleared traffic, streamlining a clear path for Joe Biden to be transported quickly to Harry Reid International so he could be airlifted/medevac-ed to Baltimore.

Why? When seconds count, urgent and timely action is required, so why would you transport him to a hospital on the other side of the country as opposed to the emergency center in Las Vegas that was set aside SPECIFICALLY for any emergencies the President may have had?

Why would you fly an 80+-year-old man who has been just diagnosed with Covid-19 to a hospital on the far side of the country? Why would you do that when he was in urgent need of immediate medical care?

Supposedly, he got treatment in Johns Hopkins, then he was cleared for isolation and was thus flown back home.

Where is Joe Biden now? He's at his home in Rehoboth, Delaware, at least... according to official sources.

What happened during that flight? Where was Air Force One on that day? Does anyone know?

No one knows. Why? Because the CrowdStrike crash occurred. This was intentional. It was done to mask that flight back home from Baltimore to Rehoboth.

Why would that be necessary?

It's necessary to hide that flight because if you don't, people will connect the dots and find out something far more serious occurred in Las Vegas. You hide that part of the trail, and the chain of events becomes hard to follow.

But how do you mask that particular flight?

Answer: you blind the air-traffic control systems of the major airlines and make the flight untraceable.

How do you do that? The CrowdStrike outage.

This is all part of the coverup. Joe Biden was alive in Las Vegas. He either died or was already dead when he got to Baltimore. His corpse was carried from Baltimore to Rehoboth. THE FLIGHT THAT CARRIED HIS DEAD BODY WAS HIDDEN FROM PLAIN VIEW. CrowdStrike aided in the coverup by setting half of the internet on fire and grounding almost all flights in the US to cover their tracks.

Timcast IRL (one of the streams I watched) glossed over these facts, and someone was fairly close to putting these bits together before moving onto another subject to talk about...

...then the stream abruptly ended.

This is why.

Joe Biden is dead. The Coup has occurred.

Wow! A few scattered thoughts. If you're going to involve someone as daffy as Kamala Harris in your convoluted conspiracy to cover up Joe Biden's sudden death, you've made a big mistake... unless you're ensuring Harris's silence by threatening people who are near and dear to her. And as conspiracies go, this one is complex, with a lot of moving parts. It can also be easily dispelled if Biden were to return to live video (from a bed or otherwise), and say anything to indicate that he is indeed speaking on the day the video is being broadcast. If we see neither hide nor hair of Biden over the next seven days, I'll be more inclined to heed this conspiracy theory. For the moment, though, color me skeptical. Conspiracy theories and urban legends get their legs from having just enough of an air of plausibility to seem serious. It's too early, though, for me to go all-in.

But if Biden is dead, that brings up all sorts of other questions, many of them Deep State-related. Did Biden die, or was he...? As the girl asked: who is running the country? More morbidly: if Joe Biden has in fact died, then that vindicates my and others' initial intuitions in 2020 that he would not survive his first term. But if Kamala takes over, she still has time to do plenty of damage. Reports of what a bitch she is in private have been boiling to the surface; her staff-retention rate is apparently around 5%, i.e., about 19 out of 20 staffers have left her administration. I knew that that cackle was fucking fake—a mask for something malign.

Curiouser and curiouser:

Yeah, that signature on his dropout letter looks mighty suspicious.


  1. With AI deepfakes veing what they are these days, I trust you will settle for no less than an actual public appearance by Biden...

  2. I'm hoping he does appear alive and live before a group of reporters. But the longer he remains out of sight, the more I have to wonder.



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