Sunday, July 07, 2024


Paul Joseph Watson reviews the case of a white woman—and Trump supporter—who described some of her white girlfriends as being married to "broke-ass niggers." There was, as you can imagine, an immediate and deafening backlash to this woman's rhetoric. PJW then goes on to contrast this public reaction with the public non-reaction to a black woman, Bionca Ellis, who had stabbed and killed a white three-year-old in cold blood (she attacked the mother as well). Ellis, as she was being sentenced in court, sported a sneering, psychotic smile on her face, and PJW notes that, had the races been reversed (i.e., a white woman stabbing a black child), reactions to the murder and to the lack of remorse would have been through the roof. Here's the thing, though: let's say I agree that the reaction to a murder should have been far more intense than the reaction to a racial slur. Even given that, this doesn't make it right for the white woman to describe her girlfriends' husbands the way she did. So I'm not willing to exonerate either of those women—not the racist, and not the murderer. What they each did wasn't equivalent by any means—you can survive an insult—but there's still no excuse for the utterly unnecessary epithet.

Epilogue: when the woman's racist remark went viral, she got fired from her job. Good.

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