Tuesday, July 02, 2024

more post-debate commentary

"I owe CNN an apology":

A lot of conservatives expressed surprise at how low-key CNN was during the first presidential debate. There was no interruptive fact-checking, and the overall tenor seemed almost disturbingly fair and balanced. As a result, people on the left have been raging against the moderators for being fair. Conservatives, meanwhile, have long contended that a fair and unbiased portrayal of the right would lead most objective people to conclude that the right is the saner option. But you normally can't expect such objectivity. While I suppose I can give CNN some credit, I think the real truth is that (1) Biden's decline has been hidden from the left-leaning public, and (2) that decline has now reached a point where it's impossible to hide.

Vince Dao on Cenk Uygur's debate-related tirade (the abortion issue is addressed here):

And the latest news is that Joe Biden is still running and will debate again in September.

Dave Portnoy, the pizza guy, with his hilarious take on the debate:

I don't think Portnoy's right, though, that Biden will allow himself to be replaced.

Post-debate poll surge for Trump... maybe the debate did move the needle a bit:

National Review: Biden cannot remain the nominee:

But until Biden himself consents to step down, nothing will change. Joe Biden is a conservative when it comes to himself.

Could Trump be pushing ahead in blue states?

"Clearly not OK":

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