Saturday, July 06, 2024

the overused and misused phrase "defense of democracy"

Who's really defending democracy?

For anyone sane, the answer is obviously that Trump is not the fascist. Trump is not the one canceling, imprisoning, and deplatforming people for having contrary views (see the previous video for one honest doctor's ordeal during the pandemic). The moment someone loudly declares Trump to be a fascist, that person undermines his own case because, in a truly fascist country with a truly fascist leader, that person would be locked up, shot, or thrown into a labor camp—along with his family—in an instant. Trump may be insulting and abrasive, but he's also had to endure heaps of insults and abuse from woefully misinformed idiots. In the recent debate with Joe Biden, Biden mumblingly and feebly called Trump a "sucker" and a "loser" while perpetuating the lie that Trump had said this very thing about military veterans. (Trump did cavalierly assert that John McCain wasn't heroic for having gotten caught by the Vietnamese, and I admit that that was gauche, but McCain's wild-eyed obsession with Trump, after that gibe, was also way beyond the pale.) So if Trump's not the fascist... who is?

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