Friday, August 30, 2024

August 29 & 30 numbers

I guess I forgot to note my numbers for the 29th.

blood sugar: 137 (down from 142 the day before despite carby leftovers)
blood pressure: 113/68 (systolic is up a bit)
weight: 110 kg
pulse-ox: 97%
pulse: 77 (a bit high)
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.08 (still moving in the wrong direction!)

And here are my numbers from this morning:

blood sugar: 131 (after fasting; down from 137 yesterday)
blood pressure: 124/71 (systolic is up a bit)
weight: 110 kg (holding steady)
pulse-ox: 97%
pulse: 73
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.08 (unmoving, but still in the wrong direction!)

A1c is frustrating, but I expect my numbers to settle down soon. BP is also slightly up; my machine categorizes the classic 120/80 as slightly high (yellow zone), which is also frustrating. Weight is about the only truly reassuring thing right now; even my resting pulse is bothersome since it's not in the 60s. Extended exercise, when I'm finally up to it, will get that back down. Or so I hope. We'll see in the coming weeks as I lengthen my walking distances.

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