Saturday, August 24, 2024

we had Charles over for dinner but somehow didn't eat him

My buddy Charles came over for dinner, which he made. Concerned about the glycemic index of what he was making (what he called "the GIGL factor," i.e., glycemic index and glycemic load), Charles announced that dinner would be vegetarian (not vegan: there was cheese). I was happy to eat whatever, and I spent Saturday eating largely nothing in anticipation of dinner.

Oh, yes—before I forget: my Saturday-morning numbers:

blood sugar: 137 (as expected)
blood pressure: 117/85 (slightly high diastolic)
weight: 113.5 kg (out-of-hospital weight loss)
pulse-ox: 98%
pulse: 75
estimated A1c since 7/29: 5.70 (probably more than this)

These are not the greatest numbers. BS is high, as expected; it'll be high again tomorrow. BP is also high for the diastolic (bottom number). Weight is reassuring, but I'll have gained weight by tomorrow morning thanks to the meal eaten late in the day (and despite a massive, noisy postprandial dump). Pulse-ox is fine, but my pulse rate is running too high; I need to be out doing more cardio. This will happen as the weather cools and my distances increase. My A1c is now being calculated from where I'd left off on July 29. The real A1c is probably in the mid 6s.

Omme Gang and Manboobs, now with slightly shaved and more civilized facial hair

Dinner was a very nice salad, a roasted-veggie dish, and some experimental all-buckwheat bread (low glycemic index, Charles says), all courtesy of Charles, who eats healthy and is a talented cook. Dinner was also a chance for Charles to meet my brother David. We sat (or stood) while Charles and David worked on prepping dinner; we talked placidly during dinner about this and that, then I finished the evening with a rousing ass-chorus as yesterday's meal came pouring chunkily out of me while David and Charles did their best to ignore my music.

My boss is coming over with his sons tomorrow, partly to see David, who is an expert with video production (the sons, interested in video-making, will hang with David for a bit), and partly to see me (the boss will hang with me for a bit).

A good time was had by all this evening, and tomorrow ought to be filled with activities as well: I have a to-do list that I'm trying to get through.

Thanks for dinner, Charles! Leftovers will be gone by midweek!

1 comment:

  1. It was good to see you out of the hospital and trundling about. And it was nice to chat with both you and David (though I probably ended up doing more talking than the both of you combined). Looking forward to seeing you oot and aboot (as the Canucks say) this fall. In the meantime, keep on keepin' on.



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