Friday, August 30, 2024

kind of dreading my birthday celebration

If I had my druthers, I'd celebrate my birthday quietly with my brother David, especially since he's about to go back to the States this Sunday. Instead, Saturday afternoon, I'll be cabbing out to the nearby city of Suwon, where my boss lives, to celebrate with him and his family. I suspect the boss has gathered more than just his family, though: along with my brother, my Korean coworker, and the boss's immediate family (wife, sons), I'm betting he'll have some of his friends, and I wouldn't put it past him to have invited some of my own relatives: I know he'd been in touch with my #3 Ajumma during my time in the hospital, and that her younger son was scheduled to arrive in Korea from Germany around the end of the month. I don't know... I could be wrong about all of this (Ajumma is only just getting over enteritis, after all, so she might not be fit to travel to Suwon), but I can't shake the feeling that the boss is planning more than just a little get-together. I should've had the wit to say no when I had the chance and just celebrate my birthday with my brother before he leaves.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand that you prefer the intimacy of a small family gathering (you can't get smaller than two), especially when you might be sharing the day with near strangers. But you have much to celebrate this year (living to see your birthday), so try to relax and embrace it despite your introverted nature.

    I found myself reflecting on the people who DIDN'T show up at my party and what I might read into that. Oh well, it is what it is.

    Happy Birthday to you, Kevin! Enjoy your day! Sorry I can't be there. :)



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