Friday, August 30, 2024

nearing the end of Charles's meal

In the pic below, the kale doesn't look so great (when does it ever?), but what you see is the salad component of Charles's vegetarian meal, mixed up with a carb called farro, a generic term for several varieties of wheat. The veggies are chopped cukes, chopped tomatoes, chopped bell peppers, and chopped kale. The dressing is a vinaigrette, and the cheese was originally feta, I think, but I added cheese that I had bought at my own building's grocery—a Spanish combo pack that included a kind of queso de cabra, or goat cheese—a cousin of some types of feta. The salad was very good, very fresh, even after a few days in the fridge. Surprisingly, my blood sugar wasn't as high as I'd thought it would be despite the farro.

There had also been a "warm" component to Charles's feast, involving chickpeas and squash and so on, but I ate that part up faster than the salad.

I've still got Charles's yogurt, a cuke, and an eggplant. Part of the cucumber will be integrated with a souped-up caprese (basil, mozzarella, tomato) that includes cukes and tuna along with the standard balsamic-vinegar dressing. There may be hard-boiled quail eggs as well. The yogurt and the other part of the cuke can be repurposed to make a tzatziki. I have ground lamb, and I can combine that with home-ground beef, spices, and seasonings to make gyro meat that I can then use with some leftover, pre-heart-attack keto tortillas (stored in the freezer at my office). I can take some leftover cottage cheese, jazz it up with some leftover Middle Eastern-style oil, and turn it into a wannabe feta-ish something-or-other. 

Plenty of ways to get rid of leftovers before moving on to homemade sausage, thick-cut bacon, eggs, and keto pancakes. I had thought to do American breakfast next week, but that might have to wait until my buddy Mike is here the week after.

salad: veggies and farro

I was surprised by the lower-than-expected blood sugar the following morning, mainly because I also ate the last of Charles's dense buckwheat bread, which really grew on me. I made a Boursin-style cream-cheese spread, pan-fried the bread in butter, let it cool, then slathered the cheese on for a hearty end-of-meal supplement. It could simply be the timing: I ate dinner earlier than last time, so my blood sugar had had time to lower itself by morning. As you saw when I'd published those numbers earlier, by blood sugar was in the 130s, not the high 190s. Go figure.

heavy buckwheat bread with cheese spread

These were great leftovers, and they didn't leave me feeling any angina. Thanks again, Charles.


  1. You're welcome! I'm glad the bread did grow on you and you decided not to chuck it out the window. You could have killed someone that way.

    Also, the green was actually chicory, not kale. No surprise it looked sad at that point.

  2. You did mention chicory. "Kale" stuck in my head.



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