Thursday, August 22, 2024

pot, meet kettle


Oprah Winfrey at DNC Accuses Republicans of Trying to Scare Voters – After Eight Years of Democrats Calling Trump a Threat to Democracy (VIDEO)

Oprah Winfrey’s speech at the DNC was something else.

Last night, Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders both demonized wealthy people in their speeches but somehow billionaire Oprah Winfrey got a pass and was welcomed at the convention hall tonight.

In the very opening of her speech, Winfrey accused Republicans of trying to scare voters, something the Democrats have been doing non-stop for years now. She accused Republicans of trying to pit Americans against each other, something that Democrats have been doing non-stop for years now.

It’s just amazing that no one at the DNC sees the irony.

Click the link and watch.

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