Monday, August 19, 2024

back at my place

My brothers came out this morning to help me with toeweon/퇴원, i.e., leaving the hospital. The Paris Baguette in my building is currently closed—undergoing renovation and reopening this coming September 4, which means I'm going to be relying mainly on my basement's grocery for salads and chicken breast. I'm noticing, as I type this entry, that my fingers have a mind of their own; every other word (every single word), I'm making typos. It was arguably easier to type error-free (albeit more slowly) on my phone. I'm hoping my current fumble-fingered status is simply a byproduct of post-hospital weakness and nothing more.

I'll have a lot more to say later on, but right now, I'm dead tired and looking to spend my day pretty much resting. As the days roll on, I'll gather more energy, write more coherently, and offer more details as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to hear that you made it home safely. Rest up, rehydrate, and and re-nourish for the long recovery ahead.



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