Thursday, August 01, 2024

the protean one

To be protean is to be changeable, shape-shifting, amorphous. That's Kamala Harris—currently in flux as the left does its desperate best to memory-hole or recontextualize her shitty record, her history, and her past on-video statements in an effort to burnish her image as, presumably, the Dem nominee for president. And she's getting help from her former fuckboy Willie Brown, he of the tasty brown willie:

Kamala’s Former Lover, Mentor: Keep Voters ‘Continually Guessing’ What Her Ideology Is

The former lover and mentor of Kamala Harris, Willie Brown, who served as mayor of San Francisco, had an extra-marital affair with Harris, and appointed her to two positions when he was California’s Speaker of the Assembly, has advised her to keep her actual ideology fuzzy so she can keep voters “continually guessing” in a recent interview.

POLITICO conducted the interview and wrote that Brown felt Harris should embrace the fact that her ideology is fuzzy because “if she keeps people continually guessing then she can adjust the interpretation of your guess every time she sees you.”

Brown acknowledged that Harris had “the Hillary syndrome” and that “people don’t like her,” POLITICO reported. The outlet added that Brown “fretted it was not fixable.”

Harris dated Brown in 1994 and 1995, when Harris was assistant district attorney in Alameda County. In 1994, Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, later appointing her to the Medical Assistance Commission. Harris ended the relationship in 1995.

“[I]n what was San Francisco’s cloistered high society, before the tech money came to town, he was her entree to many of the city’s most prominent figures and donors,” POLITICO noted of Brown’s impact on Harris’ career.

Harris has rapidly reversed herself on left-wing positions she had held for years in order to appear more moderate. She had called for banning fracking during her 2019-20 presidential run; last Friday her campaign stated she would not ban fracking if elected president. She co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare-for-all” bill in 2017, but now, as The Telegraph noted, “has since toned down her views, instead suggesting that private medical debt cannot be used to formulate a credit score.”

She stated in 2020 that cities should “redirect resources” away from police departments toward other areas of government, saying, “For too long, people have confused achieving public safety with putting more cops on the street.” In another interview that year, she said during nationwide protests, “This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities.” She continued by saying American cities were “militarizing police.”

Now Harris boasts that she’s always been tough on crime, bragging, “I was a courtroom prosecutor. So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds.”

I'm glad Brown is pessimistic despite having given his advice. I also think Kamala is probably too obtuse to heed what he has to say.

Ben Shapiro made a video called "KamaLIAR" that is available to members of The Daily Wire, but a summary of his contentions on how much Harris has already flipflopped and backtracked can be found in this video:

Kamala has a record, and it's going to follow her around. She is also blessed with her natural unlikeableness and insincerity. Plus, lurking in the wings with a massive sniper rifle, is Tulsi Gabbard, who has a particular axe to grind when it comes to this idiot. I fully expect Harris to go down in flames as the people get buyer's remorse and turn against her.

Here's Russell Brand on Kamala's and Hillary's fake-as-fuck accent changes:

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