Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tom's food-porn shots

My buddy Tom is a man of many talents, and one of his passions is photography. Tom was so thrilled with the burger he got on Saturday evening that he said, "I don't usually do food porn, but in this case I'll make an exception." All four of the following beauty shots are from Tom, who reverently posed the plate of burger-ness on my bed, checked his lighting, and clicked away. I was tickled to have my food treated with such respect. Hover your cursor over the images to read the captions. Enjoy, and imagine the flavor.



  1. Those are some of the finest looking burgers I've seen on the internet. If they taste half as good as they look you must have been very satisfied indeed!

  2. Why, thank you, John. They were most excellent. If you ever do a grill-in, I'll bring over a batch.



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