Monday, July 20, 2020

JJ McCullough on the US political and religious right

Below, we have an interesting historical and sociological exploration, by Canadian conservative JJ McCullough, of the close association, in American culture, between the religious right and the political right. I recall an Australian coworker of mine saying that Australia has plenty of political conservatives, but the relationship between them and Australia's homegrown religious conservatives is tenuous at best. Personally, I'm not a fan of the influence wielded by the theocon wing of the US right (which flourished under George W. Bush); it's not obvious to me that the theocons are all there, mentally speaking.*

*But are people on the left all there? You have to wonder. The left loves to accuse the right of being "anti-science," but when you've got lefties screaming that it's transphobic to claim that "only women can get cervical cancer" (my thanks to Bill Keezer for sending the link to that whacky bit of news), I have to wonder who is more anti-science. This is, after all, the same group of loonies who claim to fight racism while also claiming that race is a pious artifact of oppressive human thinking, not a biological reality. This is the same group that currently contends the world is going to be gone in a decade. These morons are the scientifically sane?

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