Sunday, July 12, 2020

my first time listening to Tucker Carlson

This may be the very first time I've actually sat through a talk by Fox News talking head Tucker Carlson. Carlson generally gets praise from the right for his outspoken opinion pieces. Here he is below, talking about how elements on the left don't want Joe Biden to debate Donald Trump (at least, not without saddling Trump with all sorts of onerous preconditions):

Assessment: Carlson doesn't sound all that different from the alt-media sources I listen to, so I don't think he adds much, if anything, to the current discussion. He has a huge platform thanks to his status as a Fox News bigwig, but the content of his rhetoric is no more or less cogent, informative, or intelligent than anything I've already seen. I'll give Carlson credit for not sounding as loud and obnoxious as righties like Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones—all people I studiously ignore. But is that high praise?

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