Tuesday, March 29, 2022

eating my losses

Weight: 110 kg
Blood sugar: 88

That's all I have for you at the moment. I'll have more numbers tomorrow morning, including BMI, body-fat percentage, resting heart rate, etc. The past three months weren't stellar (I blame Christmas/New Year's), and I'm just going to have to eat my losses this time around. The next three months, we start again, hopefully with a bit more self-control. 

I'm happy, at least, that I didn't gain back more than 9-ish kilos, but 9 kg is still a lot. A Korean colleague of my boss saw me today and exclaimed, "You've lost weight!" because, I guess, she hadn't seen me in a while. I'm down a net 40-or-so pounds from before my stroke, but my goal is to get down to 200 pounds (about 90 kg) by the end of the summer. That's going to take some stringency. 

My blood sugar was at 105 last night, which is high, and which indicates to me that, even if I eat something that's totally keto, I must still be insulin-resistant. This means that the body produces insulin to lower blood sugar, but the blood sugar doesn't go down. That's a symptom of a larger phenomenon called metabolic syndrome, which refers to a complex of unhealthy conditions: overweight, high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, etc. 

Desperate times may call for desperate measures. I used the Newcastle diet once to get my A1c down to 5.7; I can do it again, although this time with some modifications. More on that later. For the moment, I can say I'm fasting right now, and will continue fasting until after my Thursday appointment. I'd like to be down to maybe 107 kilos by the time I go to the hospital, but we'll see. My body really resists losing weight. High set point, and all that.

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